A Short Pineapple Story

This is a story about an amigurumi pineapple that started over 2 years ago. One of my Limemates, ML, has a lot of pineapple paraphernalia so I decided it would be a great idea to crochet her a pineapple for her birthday (in 2017). I searched Ravelry and found this pattern from Yarn Plaza that I thought would be just right. I got to work crocheting it with some leftover yarn and completed the pineapple portion. I didn’t think that my pineapple looked nearly as nice as the one on Yarn Plaza and decided to stash it away as a dud.

ML recently announced she was leaving the company and I immediately thought about the unfinished pineapple sitting in a bin in a closet. What could I do to improve it in order to give it to her as a going away present? I ended up designing some crazy looking leaves (that I didn’t really love or hate) to go on top. In the end, it wasn’t my best work - but ML stuck some googly eyes on it (her trademark) and was happy with it.

I hate losing Limemates, but I sure hope my random crocheted things bring them good memories down the road.