Aurora Borealis from Diablo Lake
/Last night we drove out to Diablo Lake to see the Aurora Borealis with one of Jeff’s coworker friends and her husband. I was hesitant to go since being out in nature after dark is generally not my idea of a good time, but it turned out to be quite a magical experience.
After quite a drive (including almost hitting a deer that decided it wanted to stand in the middle of the road), we arrived around 9:30pm and were lucky to grab one of the last parking spots in the lot. We found a nice spot tucked away from the headlights of the parking lot to enjoy the show that Mother Nature had planned. I took these pictures on my Galaxy S23 and admittedly they are more colorful than what I saw with my actual eyeballs. Jeff also took some with our D90 DSLR, but it encountered some type of issue while we were there and is probably dead forever (RIP buddy).

By 11:30pm we were getting tired, cold, and felt like we had seen all there was to see, so we headed back to the parking lot to head out. It was an absolute zoo. Cars had made their own parking spots everywhere which was annoying since it made it difficult to get out. We arrived back home safely (and hitting no deer) around 2am. This adventure was outside my comfort zone, but I’m so glad I went.