Holo Taco Pastel & Don't Tell Bundle
/The Pastel & Don’t Tell bundle I ordered from Holo Taco arrived this week and I was really interested to see how these shades compared to other crèmes already existing in my collection.

This collection includes:
Pinky Swear - a pastel pink crème polish
Rest In Peach - a pastel peach crème polish
Banana Medicine - a pastel yellow crème polish
Crime And Punishmint - a pastel mint green crème polish
Too Good To Be Blue - a pastel blue crème polish
Cereal Killer - a pastel purple crème polish
I did plenty of swatching on my nail art mat, but ultimately decided I had to include the new shades as comparisons in the Spring-y Crème + Unicorn Skin combo series I was already working on for @orangeandshinynails. I won’t post them here, but be on the lookout for this series in the next week over on Instagram.
I also did some neat rainbow nail art using this collection that I’m previewing here. I’d say these pastels are just as nice to work with as any other Holo Taco crème and serve to fill in some of the gaps in the lighter shades while not being obnoxiously close to existing shades. This collection would have been a good candidate for a box, but I also understand that Cristine is being picky about what comes in a box so there aren’t too many boxes (which also serves my quickly filling collection box display shelves). Overall - I’m glad I bought this bundle.