Cricut Bouquet Pop Up Card
/My parents thought the Easter basket pop up card I sent them was cute, so I decided to continue the pop up card train for Mother’s Day. I found this bouquet pop up card project in Design space, customized the colors, and made it.

The card was easy to cut and put together (and I tried to do a better job with the glue so we wouldn’t have a repeat of the Easter card that fell apart in the mail). I was pretty happy with it when I sent it off. I mailed the card on April 29th, but it unfortunately didn’t show up at Mom’s until May 10th. Thankfully, I was able to send her the pictures above on Mother’s Day with the promise that I’d make her a new card if the original didn’t show up within a reasonable amount of time. She was really happy with the pictures and was even happier when the actual card showed up. I think I’ll keep the pop up card train going as long as I can since they’re fun to make and delightful to send out.